Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gone Camping; Why The World Will Not End This Saturday


If you’re not privy to the “Good News” of Harold Camping, let me let you in on this little secret.
****The Rapture is this Saturday**** shhhhh. The Millerites are sleeping. Don’t wake them up.

It really isn’t that funny. I’m sure tens of people truly believe in Camping and his end of the world promise. Anyway, He claims with mathematical certainty that the world will end on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 6:00 pm. I’m not sure about his math, but I am sure that it won’t be Saturday. Anytime someone sets a date, you can be sure that Jesus won’t come back that day. Matthew 24:36 plainly says that, ““But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” So, while I am a literalist, (i.e. NO ONE knows the date) I also like to think that the Father has a calendar open with all these dates circled in red, going, "Won't be then."

Unfortunately, this thing has picked up steam. It has become a world wide affair. Unlike Camping’s last prediction, a 1994 prophecy that the world would end, this one has made it beyond the circes of the loons. A prediction, by the way, his faithful following says was meant to be the “end of the church age,” not the end of the world. This was to be a period when no one can be saved. (Oh, except for new members of Camping’s church, of course. One mustn’t let the coffers dry up!)

But this is the age of social media. And while there are many “end of the world” parties planned, (175,000 people are “attending” one scheduled on facebook) millions of people are intently listening to and reading his ideas, and the word is spreading. An ingenious entrepreneur, who happens to be an atheist, has started Eternal Earth-bound Pets. A service that promises to take care of your pets after you have been raptured. Don’t laugh. He has over 250 customers at $119.99 each. Well, he has gone up to $135 since Camping’s billboards have gone up.

On a more serious note, the Vietnamese government dispersed a crowd of nearly 5,000 Hmong people near the border of Laos, taking some 1,000 into custody as “extremist.” They were waiting for Camping’s Day of the Lord.

All of this, naturally, will culminate in thousands of deceived individuals turning their back on Christianity (no matter how real their true faith was) and millions, maybe even billions of unbelievers saying, “Ha! I knew that Christian faith was bogus.”

Just like William Miller in 1833, Harold Camping will become a scourge to true faith in Jesus Christ, when
this event does not happen. Let us just pray that no new Seventh Day's will pop up as a result.

1 comment:

My Hodge Podge Life said...

I think it would be super if you would put that globe on my blog for me.

-Your least favorite kid