Sunday, June 15, 2014

SBC Pastor’s Conference Day #1


SBC Pastor’s Conference Day #1

We heard two amazing messages tonight. The 2nd one from Russ Moore was spot on; as usual. He always amazes me at how he starts with a seemingly innocuous story that grabs your attention, then jumps to a passage and expounds on it, then comes full circle to bring home the point from his story. Which, it turns out, wasn’t so innocuous after all. While the message had more to do with just this one point, it is so timely and on target that I must share. In respect to the changing culture, Moore said (possibly slightly paraphrased) “God is not as concerned about America getting into step with the church, as He is with the church getting out of step with America.” I completely agree. It is high time the church stop lamenting the America that was, and deal with the America we have. It is time to stop thinking more patriotism is the answer to the problem of lagging church attendance, and realize the gospel is the solution to lagging American ethics.

The 1st sermon was on target as well. One of the take-a-ways was the idea of helping plant churches north of the Mason-Dixon Line. Patty had an interesting comment after we left. Why can’t churches have the same passion about saving churches down South? Her idea would be, for our particular context, having a larger church in Charlotte recruit “missionaries” from among their younger married adults. These missionaries would attend Lakewood to fill pews with younger faces, put some children in our kids programs so visiting children could have a better experience, and provide younger voices to help implement contemporary worship, and all around spend volunteer hours with community outreach. There would be no need to take an expensive trip to Columbus, or Oregon, or overseas to do mission work. There is plenty of need right here in Dixie. Volunteers would just commit to give the next 6 months worth of Sundays and two or three Saturdays to a drive to Kannapolis. This is not to throw cold water on those who have the resources and desire to travel; however, it does give the larger churches another avenue to provide resources to existing brick and mortars that still desire to have a gospel impact.

Just a few thoughts from Day one. More to come. 

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