So I’m preaching on “A Jet Tour Through Daniel” on Sunday nights in preparation for a vs by vs study on Revelation this fall. It is my personal opinion that Daniel is a book that is more pertinent to living a moral and spiritually victorious life than to eschatology. .
Nevertheless, Daniel is an eschatological gold mine. It is very difficult for me to preach Daniel with out discussing 1:8, “For Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat.” Or chapter 3 and the consequences of following God with selfless determination. Or Chapter 5 and the moral and national implications of riotous living. Or Chapter 6 and the reward of steadfast discipleship.
But for this “Jet Tour” I will focus on the eschatological importance of chapters 2, 7, 9, and 12. Daniel is the key to unlocking Revelation. I hope I will do some justice to this controversial and exciting subject.
A few thoughts:
1) Only 1 thing needs to happen for Jesus to come and rapture the church. The angel to shout and the trumpet of God to sound. (1 Thessalonians 4)
2) No one knows when Jesus will return. I remember a book called 88 Reasons Why Jesus Will Return In 1988. (Turns out the guy was wrong 88 times.) Don't listen to date setters. Matthew 24:32-36
3) According to Daniel 2 and 7 there will be a ten nation confederacy that will be ruled by a single, dictatorial leader that will reign and rule over the world during the seven years known as the Tribulation.
4) This leader is known as the Antichrist.
So, coming up on Sunday the 26th I will discuss Daniel 2 and the statue of Nebuchadnezzar and what the ten toes represent.
If you’re in the neighborhood, drop by. If not check out the blog as I’ll update my thoughts here. Either way, pray that I do this subject the justice it deserves. And pray for those you know who do not know Jesus, that they may find Him before it is everlasting to late.
Harm, Trauma, and Church Abuse
1 week ago
steve, i love the title, jet tour. that is very clever.
i agree, much to digged up and sifted thru in the book of daniel.
thanksgiving for following my blog.
i intend to check in on yours too.
be strong, be on guard, and be steady.
by the way, i also dig the name of your blog.
in my discipleship group, we have begun a mentoring study. our first 4 lessons will deal EXCLUSIVELY WITH GRACE.
so imagine the goosebumps when i saw your blog.
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